Friday, February 22, 2013

It's Always Darkest Before the...

Well, first of all, all the anger I have been feeling about the choir situation certainly lit a fire under me. The last two runthroughs of "Liber Scriptus" have gone like gangbusters.

I am going to make that a big dramatic moment and milk it for all it's worth.

Then we will take it from there.  One of the first things I will do (even before fishing around for choral pieces with mezzo solos - there have to be some) is I will see what is going on with the Spanish services during Holy Week.  Maybe they need a soloist.  And in fact if there are only going to be two women's parts in the Good Friday music (we have only gotten the Brahms; there will be something else) I may opt to sing in the Spanish service only if they're having one that day (it would be earlier).  And I may start seriously thinking about switching over for good.  The Spanish service has nothing, basically, except a pastor and some people who assist with the liturgy.  So that might be an empty spot I can squeeze into.  What I might do is sing with the regular choir only when they're doing a piece with two soprano parts.  That's all they seem to need me for.  Then I can sing a solo anthem in the Spanish service once a month.

As for the "dawn"...

I woke up to an email from an old friend who has moved to Nova Scotia but is currently in France.  She makes experimental films and seems to be quite taken with my singing (I sent her my CD).  She said she would like me to sing something in one of her films.

Unfortunately, she doesn't really know the difference between a soprano and a mezzo because she said she would like me to sing "Höchster, Mache Deine Güte" from Bach's Cantata "Jauchzet Gott In Allen Landen" BWV 51: III, which is written for a high, light soprano. (She sent me a sound file with Natalie Dessay.)  If she is dead set on my singing this I can either give it a try or transpose it down a half or a whole step.  If what she is interested in is a mood, I suggested "Erbarme dich", which I would certainly prefer.  So we will see.  But this looks like a serious project for which she will get a grant, and give me a stipend (which I will need to pay the pianist, and a violinist if I can find one).

Also (more "dawn"), my SO went to see her physiatrist today, who has authorized a home attendant for her for six weeks.  This means I don't have to worry about her having an emergency, at least the Friday before my concert, and really, what can happen the day after if she's home?  And a social worker will talk to her about transitioning to Medicaid, which means she can have the attendant indefinitely.

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