Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Payoff

Well, at last night's choir rehearsal I sang about 10 pianissimo high Gs in a way I never had before! In fact the choir director liked it so much he asked if I could please sing that anthem on December 5. I was flattered, but I told him I had to honor my commitment to my partner (and myself) that when I was rehearsing Carmelites I was going to take a break from choir if for no other reason than I owed it to her to spend Saturday evening and Sunday morning with her, as I would be really tired on Friday night, which is when I usually stay over.

Although I still don't think it's sunk in with her that no, I'm not cancelling this commitment. I will find plenty of time to do the work (copyediting work for pay)that has been pouring in as well as getting enough rest! And because the rehearsals are in Brooklyn, if I have to I can stop by my mother's apartment. Although I think I have done the right thing in letting an "apartment dismantling" company handle most of it.

Today I sang through the treacherous ascending phrase in Aida and it really went well! I didn't start too far back in the scene because there wasn't time. I must get a handle on those last two pages of Carmelites!! They're the hardest. The final section is me alone with Sister Constance and it's completely atonal (this for a gal who's never studied music theory and basically has always just winged it).

It's interesting. I was realizing that I have become totally inured to all the guillotine sound effects (which used to freak me out). So I see how people can become inured to the sights and sounds of certain kinds of violence and they might lose the potential to shock. I hope that never happens to me.

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