Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Love Your Voice

I hadn't expected to write anything else so soon, but was going to wait until after my marathon of Duruffle (solo from Requiem), Mozart (teeny weeny solo in Requiem and alto chorus part), and, what I sarcastically refer to as my "Annual Easter Battle with the KingznLordz", which I may pass up this year and sing in a more comfortable range forevah and evah!! but the jury is still out on that one!

However this post by the wonderful "Avocational Singer" was too good to pass up.

All I can say is yes, yes, yes.

These are the things I have learned to do over the decades, and which I do now. Unfortunately, I didn't do them when I was of an age to be on the verge of a career. First I smoked and drank (I laugh and say that I sang all the Gilbert and Sullivan contralto roles as a chain smoking underweight 22 year old and now sing Yum-Yum's "The Sun Whose Rays" at 60), and later, even after I had stopped doing those things, I continued to starve myself so that I could fit into a size 29 jeans (many women, including many singers, usually with lighter voices, are that size naturally, but I was not)and was caught up in a lot of Lesbian "PC silliness".

Would I have done more of those things if I had had a mentor?

Well, the jury is still out on that one, too.

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