Sunday, June 10, 2018

My Four Quads

I wanted to stop by here to let readers know I am feeling much better.

I got another recital date in a senior residence: Monday July 23.  The only problem is finding an accompanist.  My regular accompanist always goes away for the summer and the new one I found will be away that week.  So I'm putting feelers out.  There's an accompanist at church who is really good and who is not busy 24/7, so I asked her and am waiting to hear back.  I might sing a duet with my teacher this time, probably the "Barcarole" from La Gioconda.

This morning I did something that I never dreamed I would be able to do, and which I certainly would not have been able to do even as recently as last year.  The choir sang a tiny snippet from Bernstein's Mass which entailed the sopranos singing four pianissimo high As.  I nailed all of them not just this moring but every single time in every rehearsal. And in my warmups at home, I am singing sustained, float-y high Bs, and even the occasional C.

So it's totally untrue that voices lose range and flexibility as people age.  It all depends.

I also got my summer choir solo date: June 8.  I came up with an idea of something to sing and am waiting to hear back from the music director.

(As for the title of this post, I watch a lot of skating, and have always thought that the way skaters set themselves up for a jump is very similar to how singers - or I, anyhow - set ourselves up for high notes.  So those pianissimo high As weren't just doubles or triples, they were quads!!)

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