Saturday, October 6, 2018

A Good Concert

All in all, today's concert went well.  The Bolena duet went very well, and that is what I always worry about because it's in a high tessitura and requires a lot of stamina.  I thought I used too much chest in the Gioconda duet but when I asked my teacher (and his wife) they said no.  I also thought "Mon Coeur" sounded (or felt) labored but it probably didn't sound that way to the audience.  I may work on both those early this week.  Normally in my practice sessions I have only been singing the Bolena.

The only critical feedback I got from my teacher was he said sometimes I was singing too softly.  This again was a room with a low ceiling, which can muffle the sound.

There was a small kerfuffle when we got there because apparently the space had been double booked (with a pianist and two singers, who were doing Mozart) but we were able to work things out by having them use the salon room upstairs.  That is a lovely room, just not as large as the room where I was singing.

Also, a few people told me I shouldn't sing "Home Sweet Home" to end nursing home concerts because the people may feel sad that they are not "home".  In the past, this thought briefly crossed my  mind, but I never really thought about it again because no one has ever seemed upset when I've sung that.  I talked about it with my teacher and he said maybe in the future (not for the concert in two weeks, because we have that all mapped out and are not doing additional rehearsals) we can sing "When You Walk Through a Storm" as a duet.

And a woman I used to work with came and brought me flowers.  I so love getting flowers and people rarely think of it.  She also said she might see about having me sing at a nursing home in Queens where her mother was.   I said that would be good in May or June.

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