Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Prayers for Susan Eichorn Young and Her Husband Thomas

I don't know how many of you know Susan, or read her blog, but it seems that she and her husband have been in a serious accident (don't have more details).

If you want to know more, please read here.

I send all my thoughts, prayers, and love.

I don't know Thomas, but I was blessed to meet Susan last year when she posted a notice on Facebook that she would be doing "pay what you can" coachings. I jumped at the opportunity and she offered me a spot. To me this was a huge honor because she had only really met me through online groups where I wrote under a pseudonym, and I think a lot of people at those groups didn't even think I might be a real person.

I sang "Acerba Volutta" from Adriana Lecouvreur for her and she was very complimentary about my singing and helped me find more freedom.

I paid her what I thought was a fair rate and, if I could have afforded to, would have gone back for another session.


  1. I too "met" Susan only online. I've always wanted to attend one of her classes in NYC. She has such a positive affect on the lives of everyone she interacts with. I started studying classical voice at age 40 and she has been there from the beginning, encouraging and inspiring me both privately and through her blog.

  2. Glad to meet you. There are so few of us who began singing late. I began in my 20s, but then didn't sing again until I was 54, and when I look back, I can see that when I sang in my 20s I wasn't really serious, in that I didn't take very good care of myself.

    Thank you for reading.
