Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Another No Thank You

My last post was about how well I felt I'd sung at the little Musicale. Well, there was a possibility that this could have led to our singing (if not that scene then something) at a more public concert next month but it's not to be.

I got an email from our hostess saying she wouldn't be able to use us in that concert, and it was a "closed" letter not an open one, meaning she wished us good luck, but did nothing to indicate that she would be interested in us in the future. (In other words, she didn't say the equivalent of "I'll keep your resume on file", which really often does mean the person's interested, they just don't have a spot.)

So now it's on to our concert at the nursing home in October. It will be a chance to sing, and seniors (particularly there) are very appreciative, but for example we were told we couldn't invite more than five guests apiece, so it's hardly a chance to exercise bragging rights.

To keep my hand in a broad range of things, I have been looking at some Dvorak sacred songs that I might do as choir solos. They're in the book for "high voice" because the only other alternative is the book for "low voice" which is too low. This particular collection doesn't come in "medium voice" which is what would be most appropriate. They're not too high, don't get me wrong. One of them has a high A marked "forte" and two of the others have Gs marked "forte" which is fine, but the choir director probably won't like that. Well, if he likes one of the songs and wants me to transpose it down a whole step that's fine (I think the songs in the book for "low voice" are a third lower.)

I must admit I haven't felt a lot like singing for the past week. My little Dachshund has a herniated disc and he's staying with my partner, to be away from my cats and keep her company. He's supposed to be on "crate rest" but he hates being confined which means she's stuck in the house with him for the most part. We were told he's not a good candidate for surgery since he's 12.

I have a lesson tomorrow and am signed up for one of these singing Meetups (group coachings) on Tuesday night, so maybe that will get my energy back up.

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