Sunday, August 8, 2010

Amneris Take 2, or All's Well that Ends Well

I had a horrible night last night - woke up at 2:30 and didn't get back to sleep until 5, but I guess I made up for it by sleeping until 10. It took me a long time to warm up (I was really scared - it had been a long time since it had been that hard for me to sing light "bloos" up to a G) but after a cheese omelette and a slow morning (I also had a piece of fresh salmon on a sandwich and went light on the coffee) I did a good warmup up to a B and in any event the ending to the Judgment Scene went like a house afire. I think I really have stumbled upon something new where I can sing those top As big, fat, and round, with a lot of topspin.

And we sang the s**t out of the piece at this afternoon's little concert. The woman hosting it was lovely, her apartment is gorgeous, and the other performers were really nice and interesting. I felt good about how I sounded (and how my bass colleague sounded) and people gave me lots of compliments. Here are a few:

The role is perfect for you. Have you sung it anywhere? Do you know it?

You are so dramatic! (That's thanks to my observing the dynamic markings to a T. I didn't really do any acting since we were singing from books, other than raising my fist in the air and then collapsing in grief (after I had sung the last note).

You have a magnificent voice.

Well, I've waited 40 years for this. I just wish I felt this was "going" somewhere. I never forget that the clock is ticking faster and faster.

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